Friday, December 29, 2006
Everybody's a Critic

Friday, December 22, 2006
From The New York Times - How Cute is This?

Huggable by Children: Replicas of Dogs That Searched 9/11 Ruins
Shoppers on the lookout for something new, unusual and uniquely New York will find plush 9/11 search-and-rescue puppies on sale opposite ground zero.
Yes, it is a child’s version of the dogs that were taken to the ruins of the World Trade Center after Sept. 11, 2001, to search for survivors. And human remains.
The 8-inch-tall doe-eyed puppies, which cost $11.95, wear blue T-shirts with two offset squares symbolizing the voids left by the twin towers. That logo — in essence, the World Trade Center brand — also appears on human-size T-shirts, polo shirts, baseball caps and coffee mugs for sale in the Tribute Center at 120 Liberty Street. The proceeds help pay the center’s operating costs.
The private, nonprofit Tribute Center, which opened in September, is the first and only visitors’ center at ground zero. With evocative galleries and guided tours, it stresses “person to person history.”
Or, in the case of the stuffed animals, “puppy to person history.”
Lynn Tierney, the president of the center, witnessed those desperate days after the attack firsthand as a deputy fire commissioner. She makes no apology for casting them in terms a child might understand.
“Those of us who were there understand the impact that the presence of these dogs had,” she said. “Their job is noble and necessary. Their handlers are extraordinary people. This is a way of paying tribute to them.”
The center’s twin-footprint logo was designed, pro bono, by Peter Arnell, the chairman and chief creative officer of the Arnell Group, a marketing company. He said it satisfied the visitors who wished to commemorate their trip to ground zero, and also promoted the center.
“We’re trying to bring a lot of good and honorable attention to something we believe everyone should go visit,” Mr. Arnell said, “because it’s a piece of a very well-thought-through representation of this horrible tragedy.”
About 1,000 people visit the center daily, Ms. Tierney said, and closer to 2,000 a day on weekends. Because of the disturbing nature of some displays, the center does not recommend taking young children.
“Grandparents and parents would come up to us afterwards,” she said, “and say: ‘We’re so moved. Is there anything here that would help me start a dialogue with my children or grandchildren about 9/11?’ ”
The puppies were a response to that demand, she said, and arrived about two weeks ago. “They’re really popular,” Ms. Tierney said. “People recognize immediately that we’re paying homage to a critical part of the story.”
In fact, she said, her 7-year-old niece in Sturbridge, Mass., is getting a puppy for Christmas. (Publishing this information, she added, would not spoil the girl’s surprise because she did not read The New York Times.)
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006
One Family, One Pup

BEIJING, China (AP) -- First it was one child. Now authorities say Beijing families will be allowed only one dog.
The restriction is part of efforts to stamp out rabies, state media said. It follows a campaign in August in which thousands of dogs were killed in order to fight the disease.
China's capital will institute a "one dog" policy for each household in nine areas, the official Xinhua News Agency said Wednesday.
"Only one pet dog is allowed per household in the zones, and dangerous and large dogs will be banned. Anyone keeping an unlicensed dog will face prosecution," Xinhua said.
It said rabies killed 318 people nationwide in September.
Rabies is on the rise in China, with 2,651 reported deaths from the disease in 2004, the last year for which data were available.
Only 3 percent of China's dogs are vaccinated against rabies, which attacks the nervous system and can be fatal.
China has limited most urban couples to one child and those in the countryside to two since the 1970s in an effort to limit population growth and ease the strain on resources.
The dog limit was announced by Beijing police and the city agencies for agriculture and commerce, Xinhua said.
A notice on the police department's Web site did not refer to a "one dog" policy but said a clampdown on stray and large dogs would be implemented.
It called on dog owners to "create a harmonious society and be a civilized dog raiser."
Harmonious society is the term for President Hu Jintao's campaign to share the gains of China's rapid economic growth more fairly across all levels of society.
Authorities prompted an outcry in July and August when they launched several mass-slaughters of dogs to curb outbreaks of rabies.
In one county in the southwestern province of Yunnan where three people had died of rabies, authorities killed 50,000 dogs, many of them beaten to death in front of their owners.
Many people also supported the move, saying it was the only way to contain the disease.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Fred is Bald
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
This holiday scares me. My mamas try to dress me up in weird clothes and all of these scary little people ring the bell and take my candy.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
It's Official
Monday, October 23, 2006
There is no joy in Fredville
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Everybody clap your paws!
If Fred were a baseball player, he would most definitely be a catcher. Catching is what Fred does best. Well, catching and sniffing. And sleeping. And drinking water.
Problem is, when Fred catches something, he tends to run away with it.
Love and home runs,
Friday, October 13, 2006
Fred has been busy
I've received some comments that I haven't been writing enough lately. While I sympathize with your thirst for all things Fred, please remember that I am a busy dog. What with watching the post-season Met games (Mets rule!), drinking water, and napping, I've been up to my ears in Fredtivity.
Oh, one exciting thing did happen recently. My mama has a new set of wheels - a black Honda CRV. It has a sunroof and everything. I can't wait. Can't you just picture it - Fred in the CRV, sticking my head out, enjoying the breeze?
Love always,
Thursday, September 21, 2006
This makes Fred feel better
Associated Press
September 21, 2006
WASHINGTON -- In a bill sent to President Bush on Wednesday, Congress called for emergency preparedness plans that include helping individuals and families with pets.
People saw images of anguished pet owners asked to abandon their animals to gain shelter or be rescued in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Rep. Dennis Kucinich, an Ohio Democrat who has two beagles and a cocker spaniel, said the bill is about "compassion and the recognition of the importance of compassion in the life of this nation."
The bill calls for state and local emergency preparedness plans to make provisions for families with pets and individuals with service animals.
It grants the Federal Emergency Management Agency the authority to help state and local governments develop emergency and evacuation plans that take pets and service animals into account.
It also authorizes some federal financial help for states establishing emergency shelters for people and their pets.The Senate passed the bill in August.
Copyright 2006 Newsday Inc.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Fred Likes Souvenirs
Monday, September 11, 2006
Don't go, Mommy!
Mommy Lizo takes us out for our afternoon walk and gives us milkbones and sings to me. I will miss her while she's away in silly Albany.
I love you, Mommy Lizo.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Fred Likes Babies (Sometimes)
Look, Suri Cruise really exists! Here's her first picture from Vanity Fair.
Ah, I remember the first time my pictures were printed in Cosmopuplitan, when I was a wee pup. It's a special time.
Anyway, sometimes Fred likes babies, and sometimes they make Fred so nervous that he must run from their groping hands and hide in the bedroom. The little ones are especially fond of pulling on Freddy's ears.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Fred Hates Being Wet
Mommy makes the rain, you know.
To the left, a (very wet) photo of my handsome self.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Fred Loves the Mets
Friday, August 25, 2006
Fred's Burning Question About Pluto Answered
Courtesy of Jesse McKinley and The New York Times:
Sure enough, some people also asked the existential questions that the cosmos typically inspires. Why did this happen? What does it mean? And, of course, how does this affect Mickey Mouse’s dog?
Soon after the announcement from the astronomical union, Disney executives were peppered with questions about whether Pluto’s planetary status would affect Mickey’s sidekick. The answer was no.
“He’s taking the news in stride,” said Lisa Haines, a spokeswoman for Walt Disney Parks and Resorts.
Even at Disney, though, it seemed that people were distancing the cosmic outcast.
“Pluto was not necessarily named after Pluto the planet,” Ms. Haines said. “We’ve got absolutely nothing on record that even draws a connection between the two. And we’re certainly not changing Pluto’s name.”
Fred hopes he won't get sued by the Disney Megalith for posting that cute pic of Pluto.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Great Woof Lodge
Great Woof Lodge
What, Mommy? It's Great WOLF Lodge? Puppies aren't allowed? That's not fair!
Fred likes water parks, especially indoor water parks that he can enjoy even when it is chilly outside.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
It Gives Fred Pawse
I heard through the Wrigley's gumline that you are home with a sore foot. Fred does not have feet, but I do have paws, and I know what it's like when I get something stuck in them. Ouch!
I hope that you are already feeling better, darling Anonymous. Rest up, watch some Ellen, and know that I am thinking of you.
Ever yours,
PS: You could never scare me, I promise.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Fred's Pet Peeves

My Lovely Anonymous,
Yes, even pets can have pet peeves! Here are some of mine:
The vacuum cleaner
People who leave gum wrappers all over the place
Empty water bowls
Deli meats
People who chew on ice in a loud and annoying manner when other people and pets are trying to sleep
Itchy ears
Short people who try to take pictures of Fred when Fred is sleeping
People who don't leave room for Fred on the couch or on the bed
These are just a few of the things that make Fred fume. And yes, that is a photo of my handsome self in the top right corner.
Love always,
Your Freddy
Monday, August 14, 2006
Friday, August 11, 2006
A Dog Park Kinda Weekend
Dearest Anonymous,
It seems we have established a type of correspondence, as it were. How lovely. Fred likes making friends.
It's funny you should mention the dog park, because Mama Carol has been seriously remiss in this regard. I can't even remember the last time Fanny and I played in the dog park. It's the most wonderful feeling, Anonymous - no leashes, ears blowing in the breeze....life doesn't get any better.
There is a group of dogs who get together in the park by our house each night, and they are all allowed off-leash, but noooo, not us. Mama Carol can be pretty strict (who knew). We only get to be off leash in the basketball court or (allegedly) in the dog park, THOUGH WE HAVEN'T BEEN THERE IN FOREVER, MAMA.
Okay, Fred will calm down. [Breathe deeply]
Anyway, I think Fanny and I are going to the groomer on Saturday. I love the groomer. I always enjoy getting a puppy pedicure and a little massage. Ahhh. And on Sunday, the baby comes home from camp.
Have a great weekend, Anonymous!
Love and Kisses,
F. Carter Duboff
Fred has fans!
Thank you sooooo much for writing a comment. I really appreciate that. Sometimes I'm not sure that anyone is out there reading my blog.
If you want more good readin', try Mama Lizo's Blog:
The Disorganized Librarian
I tried to drive the Puppy Bus up to Westchester yesterday to rescue my mom, but I got lost and turned back home. I thought I was supposed to drive to Rye Bread, NY, but Mommy said it was just Rye. Oh well. I was bummed because I thought there would be some rye bread for Fred upon my arrival. Apparently there is only rye.
Love and Bully Stix,
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Mommy is out Golfing
Mama Carol left this morning for a golf trip. It's part of her job, she says. She is also going to discuss a book called From Good to Great. Well, all they really need to do is ask Fred about being great, no?
I wish I could go golfing, too. I would catch the balls, but I don't think I would bring them back.
Mama Lizo, Fanny, and I are going to have a great time tonight while Mommy is away on her trip. We're not going to watch ANY movies about English people. We're going to have a dog movie fiesta - Lassie Come Home, Benji, Old Yeller, etc. We might watch the Mets, too - Fred likes baseball.
Friday, August 04, 2006
Okay, so I don't write much
I have to go to my photo session now.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Home Cookin'
Sadly, the supply of Mama Lizo's home cooked chicken and rice has dried up.
Fanny and I are thinking of circulating a petition to restore the home cooking.
Okay, it was Fanny's idea.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Fanny is on the mend
I'm Fred and I have a sick family member.
My sister Fanny hasn't been feeling well. We're not sure if it's from the lamb chop bone she scarfed down on Friday or something she ate in the park. Mama Lizo took her to the nice lady vet yesterday - I went along for the ride, too. I love the car. The nice lady vet put a thermometer in Fanny's butt and took x-rays and gave Fanny two shots - one shot to help her stop pooping and throwing up and one shot of an antibiosomething (I'm not clear on this). She also took some of Fanny's blood for some tests, and gave Mama Lizo some pills for Fanny to take for a few days.
Last night, all Fanny could have were ice cubes. Mama Lizo also cooked up some lovely roast chicken and rice, which she and Mama Carol are only giving to Fanny. I don't see why I can't have some. I mean, the special Beneful stews I'm getting as a consolation prize are okay and all, but I love chicken and rice.
That picture on the right isn't Fanny, BTW, but it sort of looks like her. Fanny is bigger.
Well, I'm glad that Fanny is on the mend.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
I'm Fred, and I'm scared of tiny kittens.
This is the newest, most temporary addition to our family. Her name is Mabel. She was found on a subway platform. Why must we take her in? She's tiny and fuzzy and meowy.
Well, okay, this isn't actually a picture of Mabel, but it looks an awful lot like her. There are lots of pictures of yucky little kittens on the Web.
Mama Lizo, please don't do this to me. Please bring home one of those new Benefit gourmet meals to help offset the shock.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
An Online Degree for Fred?
I'm Fred, and I'm modest.
Fanny, on the other hand....
Friday, May 05, 2006
Happy to Be Home
I am soooo happy to finally be home in our beautiful, freshly painted pre-war apartment. I have my water bowl and my bed and my bully stix and my soap operas.
Please don't make me go to Dog Camp again, Mom.
Freddy D
Friday, April 07, 2006
From one Spring Baby to Another,
Your Freddie
Friday, March 31, 2006
Monday, March 13, 2006
Fred is Thoughtful
I'm too sexy for my ears
Friday, March 10, 2006
Keeping Hope Alive
Stretched out on the bed, I remain
F. Carter Duboff
Hound Extraordinaire